I was cleaning out an old folder the other day and came across a tattered old notebook full of poems and sketches. I should mention that back in the day, I thought I was quite the the poet. I should also mention this, that we are talking about a time span when I was around 11 or so. Imagine, as an 11 year old, I was convinced that I would someday be a poet, or a writer....or an artist. Well I guess that dream of someday becoming a poet or a writer or an artist never materialized. As a 29 year old, I still do not know what I want to be when I grow up. Ha!
Back to the notebook full of poems. It amazes me how I even came up with half the stuff that I wrote about. Most of it does not make much sense to me now. Perhaps it made sense to an 11 year old at the time, who had high aspirations. Hmm.. to have aspirations, to believe in yourself to the point that you feel as though the sky is the limit, and you can be who you want to be, or do what you want to do. Unfortunately, I don't remember what that feels like!(I'm obviously talking about a world void of all corporate glass ceilings!). I really need to search for that 11 year old again... The magnitute of the faith that I once had in myself has been reduced to a mere flicker (as far as aspirations go).
So poetry of an 11 year old. Here is a poem that specifically caught my attention and somehow, got stuck in a certain folder, tucked away in that one corner of my brain (yes, that one!), that decides to save certain snippets of my life in files that tend to self refresh, periodically (I know, makes absolutely NO sense):
Darkness surrounds me
No light to be seen
Perched up on a large rock
My mood, is set to grim
Looking up at the sky
I see a star gleam
Just like a jeweled pendant
As if by fire lit
Staring at it now and then
Do I see it wink?
So bright is its shine
That no one can call it dim
Oh, I pray lord
What is it?
Hmm...rocks, stars, winking stars?? The mind of an 11 year old!
I like that poem. I can "see" the star. Buck up girlie! You've got a lot going for you despite the glass ceilings. Someday you'll shatter that glass, I know it!
Thanks Lisa. I'll remember to look out my window tonight, and see if I can see it too.
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