Saturday, October 6, 2007

Fried eggs

I know I is supposed to be a cardinal sin against the proprietaries of blogosphere to go through a list of your breakfast menu. If I knew any better, I really WOULD stay away from it. But you see, I'm sure I can create an exception here. The thing about Ramadan have breakfast (at 5:00 am), but you wish you did not have to eat it. But if you actually didn't eat it, then everything and everyone starts to look dangerously delicious before the day reaches its half way mark- especially cute little pink toddler toes! So here I am, blogging away in the early hours of the am, when I should actually be asleep, because it IS Saturday morning afterall, and isn't that supposed to be the only holy of all holy days for lazy folks like me who love to sleep in till noon, until an exasperated husband or a toddler for that matter, pulls the sheets off of your curled up, limp form, AND turns the fan on in early winter/late fall and leave you cursing under your breath which forces you to fiiiinally roll off on to the floor with a thud. But, wait- I have a feeling that I've gone off on a tangent here. Back to Saturday mornings and the fact that I should be snuggled up in a warm bed, with a warm blanket, and against a nice warm someone... But hey, I already tried doing that. It really does not work too well to go to sleep right after having a paratha packed with butter and drizzled with still MORE butter- especially when your dinner from the night before is still hopping around in the tummy tum tum. I think I need a TUMS.


Lisa said...

That breakfast sounds good, but I can see why it would be hard to go back to bed after that!

lateshoes said...

I would like to eat that breakfast at 5 PM, but I know what you mean about eating like that before the sun comes up - it's so unappealing.

googliboo said...

Lisa, Tracy: you guys are right. At any other given time of the day- I would gladly eat a paratha!