Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Child Labor

So, I am terrified of static shock. I'm not kidding. I cannot find a way to put enough emphasis on how much hatred and fear I have for static shock. This was a new phenonmemon to me. When I first landed in Salt Lake City, I was an innocent young gal who would just march up to a metal door handle and pull it open, or go up to the icecream isle at the grocery store and grab the handle with a smooth swish of the hand, and yank it open. Then reality hit me. Utah weather is dry dry dry. SO dry, infact that if you do not moisturize right after taking a shower, you will itch yourself into oblivion. I can still remember the day when the harsh reality of the static shock hit me like a hundred slaps straight on the face. I was rushing down to the Union building on campus after class and as soon as I touched the door handle, I was zapped loud enough that the person walking next to me heard it and I think we both said, 'ouch'. That was the beginning of my woes. I've never looked at a metal door handle or a grocery store freezer handle the same way! It's absurd, but the decision to buy groceries from a certain store is highly contingent upon if that store has platic or metal handles in the milk isle!! So, that's where child labor comes into play. I have found the perfect use for my toddler son. He LOVES to open doors to freezers in dessert and milk isles at the grocery store. Al I have to do is hold him up to the handle. It works perfectly unless I happen to make a quick stop at the store while my son is napping at home. PLEASE SMITH'S and COSTCO!! Switch your metal door handles with plastic ones. I will love you forever!


lateshoes said...

Hahahaha!! I was just telling Lars about this problem while we were at Costco.
I'm so glad I'm not alone.

googliboo said...

I know, Tracy! Apprently the message did not get through to the grocery stores!

Care said...

I have this same problem. Especially when getting out of my husband's car. I will actually shut the door with my foot so I don't have to touch it and risk being shocked.

googliboo said...

I know- the cars are the worst!