I know that I've been neglecting my blog, and my blog probably hates me for being such a delinquent writer. I barely have any time to spare during the day. And when I do have the time, I suddenly get hit by the worst case of ‘writer’s block’. You would think that I would have plenty to write about. Yet, when it boils down to putting my fingers on the keyboard and sliding out a ritzy story about some very exciting (not) daily occurrence, I freeze. I don't think what I have to say would whip up much amusement for my readers.
I’ll give you an example of a full blown exhilarating episode extracted from the memoirs of my mundane routine: So my two year old threw up after eating too much chocolate. Yes the adrenaline rush was intense as I rushed to grab some paper towel and wipe away the mess and bathe my son, but I'm sure my readers would much rather read about other interesting things than indulge in a story of a soiled towel and bath times that involve rubber duckies and nursery rhymes....? Yes? Yes. Okay, so my suspicions have been confirmed.
I guess I
could talk about my new red hair. I've always been the one to admire red highlights from afar, but never been bold enough to apply the gorgeous red streaks to my own hair until now... I finally decided to take the plunge and go red. I must admit, I did have a moment or
two of doubt after the hair stylist was done blow drying my hair. Holy bloody Mary! And ‘Bloody Mary’ is right! My hair was… lets say… well, delicately put, it could have landed me a role as an extra in some movie that involved disturbed young adults with problems of drug overdoses and serious addictions to tattoo parlors and body piercings. I should have taken advantage of the situation, sported a few fake tattoos of torn bloody hearts on my arm and made my way outside some smoky and very questionable places in some very questionable areas of the town. I could have then asked (with a glazed expression) whoever I saw that if they knew the end of the world was near. I chose to go home, cook dinner and do laundry instead. I guess I had my chances. A few washes have left my hair a more socially acceptable shade of caramel. I am now ready to play the role of an evil spinster who hoards napkins and plastic forks from fast food restaurants.